Ivan Arsenijević was born in 1972 in Kragujevac. He graduated from the BK Academy of Arts in Belgrade, Department of Photography, in the class of Professor Milan Aleksić. In 1994, he completed the School of Yugoslav Institute of Journalism in Belgrade, specializing in TV cameras. He is currently pursuing postgraduate studies in Public Relations and Multimedia Communications at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade. He works as the editor of the visual and film program at SKC Kragujevac.
Arsenijević served as a jury member for the award “Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos” in 2014 and 2015, member of the expert jury for the November Salon of Visual Arts in Kraljevo in 2012, 2014–2017, as well as a member of the expert jury for the XIX Spring Annals in Čačak, and the international jury for the 16th Balkanima Animated Film Festival in Belgrade in 2019.
He has curated several projects, including: “U ime naroda” (In the Name of the People), featuring photographs by Predrag Mihajilović, 10+ Selection from the Collection of Gallery SKC Kragujevac, “Restruktura od centra ka centru” (ReStructure from Center to Center), Remont Gallery, Belgrade, Selection from the Collection of Gallery SKC 2015–2016, Emir Kusturica & No Smoking Orchestra – ten years, featuring photographs by Dragan Teodorović – National Cinema Museum, Lodz, Serbian Cultural Center Paris, Dea Orh Art Gallery, Prague, Selection from the Collection of Gallery SKC 2017–2019.
He is the editor of several photo-monographs and books in the field of art: Događanje naroda (The Event of the People) by Nebojša Radosavljević, Dragan Pešić – photography, Spojeni sudovi (Connected Vessels) essays on the painting of Vladimir Veličković, Jednominutni tango (One-Minute Tango) – drawings by Goran Dimić, Dvanaest radova – Mihailo Vasiljević (Twelve Works – Mihailo Vasiljević).
He participated in the photography colony Dislokacije, curated by Maida Gruden and Mara Prohaska. His work has been featured in books such as “The History of European Photography 1970–2000” produced by the Central European House of Photography and “Photo-Forum: Conversations on Photography” at the Studentski Grad Cultural Center in Belgrade.
Arsenijević’s works are included in the collection of the National Museum in Kragujevac (Acquisition of Artworks by the Ministry of Culture and Information of Serbia, 2016), Collection of the Center for Photography in Belgrade, Collection of the Photography Colony Dislokacije, and Collection of the Gallery Mostovi Balkana in Kragujevac.
He is the author of a program on contemporary art called SKC kvArt.
He has held numerous solo and group exhibitions both in Serbia and abroad. His work focuses on the issue of urban spaces and the individual’s identity within them.
Selected solo exhibitions:
2023 Art Salon, Cultural Center Čačak / 2022 Gallery of the Cultural Center Studentski Grad, Belgrade / 2022 Remont Gallery, Belgrade, with Zoran Popović / 2019 Gallery Mostovi Balkana, Kragujevac / 2019 Fotografia Europea, Circuit off, Reggio Emilia, Italia – honorable mention / 2015 Gallery of the National Museum, Kragujevac / 2013 Modern Gallery Lazarevac / 2012 Cultural Center Grad, Belgrade / 2012 City Gallery of Požega / 2012 SKC Gallery Belgrade, with Aleksandar Zarić / 2011 Lobby of the Cultural Center Pančevo / 2011 Cultural Center of Novi Sad – Tribina mladih (Youth Club) / 2011 Art Gallery of the Cultural Center Gornji Milanovac / 2009 Modern Gallery of the National Museum, Kragujevac / 2009 Gallery of the Cultural Center Šabac / 2008 Vladislav Maržik Gallery, Kraljevo / 2007 Francuska kuća (French House), Kraljevo / 2004 Artget Gallery, Belgrade Cultural Center / 2001 Photography Salon, Čačak / 2000 Art Gallery of the National Museum, Kragujevac / 1998 Youth Center Gallery, Kragujevac.
Selected group exhibitions:
2023 The Wind Got Up in the Night and Took Our Plans Away, 937 Gallery, Pittsburgh / 2022 3rd International Art Biennale ARTiJA, Kragujevac / XV International Biennial of Miniature Art, Gornji Milanovac / 2020 Duration, An exhibition of works by members of the Association of Fine Artists of Kragujevac – LUK, National Museum Kragujevac / 2018 November Salon of Visual Arts, Kraljevo / 2018 XXII Spring Annals, Čačak / 2017 Acquisitions 2016–2017, Gallery of the National Museum, Kragujevac / 2017 Zoom In – Kragujevac artists in the collections of the National Museum Kragujevac, Gallery of the National Museum, Kragujevac / 2017 Dislokacije (Dislocations), Contemporary Gallery Zrenjanin / 2016 Festival Virski, Paths of Art, V.A. Leković Gallery, Homeland Museum Bar, Montenegro / 2016 November Salon of Visual Arts, Kraljevo / 2016 ReStructure from Center to Center, Remont Gallery, Belgrade / 2015 November Salon of Visual Arts, Kraljevo / 2014 Thirty Photos from the Collection of the Center for Photography, National Museum Kruševac / 2014 November Salon of Visual Arts, Kraljevo / 2014 XII International Biennial of Miniature Art, Gornji Milanovac / 2013 Les Nuits, Voies Off Photo Festival, Arles, France / 2012 XI International Biennial of Miniature Art, Gornji Milanovac / 2011 Views, Gallery 73, Belgrade / 2010 X International Biennial of Miniature Art , Gornji Milanovac / 2008 Contemporaries, Gallery of the National Museum, Kragujevac / 2007 Lumen, 7th International Photography Salon, Škofja Loka, Slovenia / 2003 35th Annual Exhibition of Fine Artists of Kragujevac, Memorial Park “Kragujevački Oktobar” / 2002 Life, Publikum’s Calendar of New Art, Belgrade / 2000 Gallery of the Cultural Center Studentski Grad, Belgrade / 2000 Yugoslavia Two Thousand, Fiera Di Roma, Rome / 1998 Nova F, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade /1997 Free, Happy Gallery SKC, Belgrade 1996 Free at the Beginning, Happy Gallery SKC, Belgrade.
Ivan Arsenijević rođen je 1972. godine u Kragujevcu. Diplomirao je na Akademiji umetnosti BK u Beogradu, odsek fotografija, u klasi profesora Milana Aleksića. Školu Jugoslovenskog instituta za novinarstvo u Beogradu, odsek TV kamera, završio je 1994. godine. Trenutno je na postdiplomskim studijama na Fakultetu organizacionih nauka u Beogradu, smer Odnosi s javnošću i multimedijalne komunikacije. Radi kao urednik likovnog i filmskog programa SKC-a Kragujevac.
Arsenijević je bio član žirija za dodelu nagrade „Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos” za 2014. i 2015. godinu, član stručnog žirija Novembarskog salona vizuelnih umetnosti u Kraljevu 2012. i 2014–2017, član stručnog žirija XIX Prolećnog anala u Čačku, član međunarodnog žirija 16. Festivala animiranog filma Balkanima u Beogradu 2019, itd.
Kustoski je realizovao nekoliko projekata – U ime naroda, fotografije Predraga Mihajilovića, 10+ Izbor iz kolekcije Galerije SKC Kragujevac, Restruktura od centra ka centru, Remont, Beograd, Izbor iz kolekcije Galerije SKC 2015–2016, Emir Kusturica & No Smoking Orchestra deset godina, fotografije Dragana Teodorovića – Nacionalni muzej kinematografije, Lođ, Srpski kulturni centar Pariz, Galerija Dea Orh, Prag, Izbor iz kolekcije Galerije SKC 2017–2019.
Urednik je nekoliko foto-monografija i knjiga iz oblasti umetnosti: Događanje naroda, autora Nebojše Radosavljevića, Dragan Pešić – fotografije, Spojeni sudovi, eseji o slikarstvu Vladimira Veličkovića, Jednominutni tango, crteži Gorana Dimića, Dvanaest radova – Mihailo Vasiljević.
Učesnik je fotografske kolonije Dislokacije; kustosi Maida Gruden i Mara Prohaska. Njegov rad predstavljen je u knjigama: The History of European Photography 1970–2000, Central European House of Photography, Foto-Forum, razgovori o fotografiji, Dom kulture Studentski grad, Beograd.
Arsenijevićevi radovi se nalaze u zbirci Narodnog muzeja u Kragujevcu (Otkup umetničkih dela Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Srbije, 2016), Kolekciji Centra za fotografiju, Beograd, Kolekciji fotografske kolonije Dislokacije, Kolekciji galerije Mostovi Balkana, Kragujevac.
Autor je emisije o savremenoj umetnosti SKC kvArt.
Realizovao je veliki broj samostalnih i grupnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu. U svom radu bavi se pitanjem urbanih prostora i identiteta pojedinca u njima.
Izabrane samostalne izložbe:
2023. Likovni salon Kulturnog centra Čačak / 2022. Galerija Doma kulture Studentski grad, Beograd / 2022. Galerija Remont, Beograd, sa Zoranom Popovićem / 2019. Galerija Mostovi Balkana, Kragujevac / 2019. Fotografia Europea, Circuit off, Reggio Emilia, Italia – honorable mention / 2015. Galerija Narodnog muzeja Kragujevac / 2013. Moderna galerija Lazarevac / 2012. Kulturni centar Grad, Beograd / 2012. Gradska galerija Požega / 2012. Galerija SKC Beograd, sa Aleksandrom Zarićem / 2011. Foaje Kulturnog centra Pančeva / 2011. Kulturni centar Novog Sada – Klub Tribina mladih / 2011. Likovna galerija Kulturnog centra Gornji Milanovac / 2009. Moderna galerija Narodnog muzeja Kragujevac / 2009. Galerija Kulturnog centra Šabac / 2008. Galerija Vladislav Maržik, Kraljevo / 2007. Francuska kuća, Kraljevo / 2001. Salon fotografije, Čačak / 2000. Umetnička galerija Narodnog muzeja, Kragujevac / 1998. Galerija Doma omladine, Kragujevac.
Izabrane grupne izložbe:
2023. The Wind Got Up in the Night and Took Our Plans Away, Galerija 937, Pitsburg / 2022. III Međunarodno bijenale umetnosti ARTiJA, Kragujevac / XV Međunarodni bijenale umetnosti minijature, Gornji Milanovac / 2020. Trajanje, izložba radova članova Udruženja likovnih umetnika Kragujevca – LUK, Narodni muzej Kragujevac / 2018. Novembarski salon vizuelnih umetnosti, Kraljevo / 2018. XXII Prolećni anale, Čačak / 2017. Akvizicije 2016–2017, Galerija Narodnog muzeja, Kragujevac / 2017. Zoom In – kragujevački umetnici u zbirkama Narodnog muzeja Kragujevac, Galerija Narodnog muzeja, Kragujevac / 2017. Dislokacije, Savremena galerija Zrenjanin / 2016. Festival Virski, Putevi umjetnosti, Galerija V.A. Leković, Zavičajni muzej Bar, Crna Gora / 2016. Novembarski salon vizuelnih umetnosti, Kraljevo / 2016. Restruktura od centra ka centru, Galerija Remont, Beograd / 2015. Novembarski salon vizuelnih umetnosti, Kraljevo / 2014. Trideset fotografija iz kolekcije Centra za fotografiju, Narodni muzej Kruševac / 2014. Novembarski salon vizuelnih umetnosti, Kraljevo / 2014. XII Međunarodni bijenale umetnosti minijature, Gornji Milanovac / 2013. Les Nuits, Voies Off Photo Festival, Arles, France / 2012. XI Međunarodni bijenale umetnosti minijature, Gornji Milanovac / 2011. Pogledi, Galerija 73, Beograd / 2010. X Međunarodni bijenale umetnosti minijature, Gornji Milanovac / 2008. Savremenici, Galerija Narodnog muzeja, Kragujevac / 2007. Lumen, 7. Međunarodni fotografski salon, Škofja Loka, Slovenija / 2003. 35. Godišnja izložba Likovnih umetnika Kragujevca, Spomen-park Kragujevački oktobar / 2002. Život, Publikumov kalendar nove umetnosti, Beograd / 2000. Galerija Doma kulture Studentski grad, Beograd / 2000. Yugoslavia Two Thousand, Fiera di Roma, Rim / 1998. Nova F, Muzej savremene umetnosti, Beograd / 1997. Slobodno, Srećna galerija SKC, Beograd / 1996. Slobodno na početku, Srećna galerija SKC, Beograd